Sian Ashcroft, a 35-year-old mother of three, died just 18 days after being diagnosed with terminal cholangiocarcinoma in January 2024. Despite initial misdiagnoses and being told she had months to ...
A MUM tragically died just days after doctors found her ‘food poisoning’ was actually one of the UK’s deadliest cancers. Sian ...
在肝脏的众多疾病中,胆管癌(Cholangiocarcinoma,CCA)是一种极具侵袭性的肝脏恶性胆管上皮肿瘤。它可发生在胆管树的各个区域,其中肝内胆管癌(Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma,ICC)因其发病隐匿,多数患者确诊时已处于晚期,手术切除后复发率高,治疗手段有限,严重威胁着人们的健康,成为临床治疗的一大难题。
A mother of three who died days after receiving a liver cancer diagnosis is a tragically common case, a charity has said.
Melinda Bachini is the Chief Patient Officer at the Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation and a 15-year survivor of cholangiocarcinoma.
The Bismuth–Corlette classification system provides an anatomic description of the tumor location and longitudinal extension in the biliary tree (Figure 3). It is limited due to its failure to ...
A cancer survivor who has climbed Mount Kilimanjaro, hiked to Everest Base Camp and cycled from Vietnam to Cambodia is about ...
Initiative aims to shine a light on this often-overlooked disease and generate support for patients and families ...
A 35-year-old mom-of-three sadly died just days after being diagnosed with liver cancer after crucial signs tragically went ...