The autonomic nervous system (ANS) plays a major role in maintaining homeostasis through key adaptive responses to stress, including severe infections and sepsis. The ANS-mediated processes most ...
ADRENALINE given intraventricularly or intravenously has powerful physiological and psychological effects on the central nervous system. Although work in this laboratory and elsewhere suggests ...
Size determination for chromaffin granules is easier than for many other inclusions or organelles because their profiles are usually rounded in section and in isolated granule preparations (Fig.
Gap junctions between neurons serve as electrical synapses, in addition to conducting metabolites and signaling molecules. During development, early-appearing gap junctions are thought to prefigure ...
Described almost 50 years ago, the glycerophosphocholine lipid mediator Platelet-activating factor (PAF) has been implicated in many pathologic processes. Indeed, elevated levels of PAF can be ...