In a groundbreaking study, scientists developed new ways to control atom collisions using optical tweezers, offering insights ...
Quantum computers, which operate leveraging quantum mechanics phenomena, could eventually tackle some optimization and ...
康涅狄格州吉尔福德讯—根据向美国证券交易委员会提交的文件显示,Hyperfine, Inc.(NASDAQ:HYPR)首席运营官Thomas Teisseyre近期出售了3,237股A类普通股。每股售价为$1.20,交易总额为$3,884。根据 InvestingPro 数据显示,HYPR今年以来势头强劲,涨幅达30%,同时保持着现金多于债务的健康资产负债表。
When atoms collide, their exact structure—for example, the number of electrons they have or even the quantum spin of their ...