Office is now Microsoft 365, the premier productivity suite with innovative productivity apps, intelligent cloud services, and world-class security., the Office mobile app, and the Office ...
下方有 3 個選項,可用於安裝或建立 Windows 11 媒體。檢查每一項,以判定最適合您的選項。 安裝前,請檢查 Windows 版本資訊狀態 ,了解可能影響您裝置的已知問題。 如果您執行的是舊版 Windows,請參閱 升級為 Windows 11:常見問題集以取得其他資訊。 Windows 11 ...
This laptop's unrivalled flexibility and AI features like Live Captions and Cocreator enable you to do more than you ever imagined.