Gates is known for his work on supersymmetry and superstring theory, so it is not surprising that experimental evidence for ...
加星标,才能不错过每日推送!方法见文末插图 量子场论是狭义相对论和量子论的结合,是当代基础物理的基本框架,也是高能理论物理方向最重要的专业课。 如果你问:“第一次学量子场论,应该用哪本书?”答案可能众说纷纭。例如徐一鸿、佟大为(David Tong) ...
Although at present we cannot recreate conditions with energy high enough to test these ideas directly, we can look for the consequences of "grand unification" at lower energies, for instance at the ...
These two properties of axions mean that they are exceptionally good at collapsing down to incredibly high densities, pulled together by their own (slight) gravity. Essentially, they can form a kind ...
Predicted from various supersymmetry theories, the WIMP would have a mass somewhere in the range of the heavier known particles, like the top quark. But otherwise, it would be largely invisible ...
We review the subject of spontaneous supersymmetry breaking. First we consider supersymmetry breaking in a semiclassical theory. We illustrate it with several examples, demonstrating different ...
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