Using all four telescope units of ESO’s Very Large Telescope in Chile astronomers were able to create a 3D map of the ...
Astronomers have mapped the weather of a distant exoplanet for the first time, uncovering a world of extreme winds, searing heat, and unexpected atmospheric layers. The study, conducted using the Very ...
Meet Tylos: a gas giant 900 light years away and with a climate never seen before on any planet known to scientists.
Astronomers have mapped, for the first time, the three-dimensional structure of an exoplanet’s atmosphere, revealing ...
Astronomers for the first time have deciphered the three-dimensional structure of the atmosphere of a planet beyond our solar ...
The research has been published in the peer-reviewed journal Nature.
这种极端的温差使得白昼面的铁和其他金属被高温蒸发,随后被强劲的风吹向黑夜面,凝结成液态金属雨落下。研究团队利用智利阿塔卡马沙漠北部的甚大望远镜(VLT)和其搭载的ESPRESSO仪器,成功创建了WASP-121b大气层的三维地图。他们发现,这颗行星的 ...
Astronomers have peered into an alien planet's atmosphere and found extreme weather unlike anything in the solar system.
Located 900 light-years away in the constellation Puppis, WASP-121b is an ultra-hot Jupiter, a gas giant orbiting its star so ...
最近,科学家们在研究一颗名为WASP-121b的系外行星时,发现了令人震惊的现象——这颗行星竟然会下铁雨!这颗行星距离地球约900光年,是一颗“超热木星”,质量约为木星的1.2倍。由于其轨道极为接近宿主恒星,公转周期仅为30个地球小时,导致其一面永远 ...
Astronomers have mapped the 3D structure of an alien planet's atmosphere for the first time, revealing a layered system of ...