Menzel 3, also called the Ant Nebula, lies about 3,000 light-years away in the southern constellation Norma. At magnitude 13.8 and about 1′ across its longest dimension, it is a faint target...
了解详细信息:Menzel 3, also called the Ant Nebula, lies about 3,000 light-years away in the southern constellation Norma. At magnitude 13.8 and about 1′ across its longest dimension, it is a faint target...蚂蚁星云(Ant Nebula)的专有名词是Mz3,是一个由尘埃和气体构成的云团。 行星状星云Mz3是从一颗与太阳类似的球状星体所抛出的。 在用地面望远镜观察时,发现它的外形与一只蚂蚁非常相似。…The Ant Nebula shows our Sun’s fate in about 5-6 billion years. It is radially expanding with a velocity of about 50 km/s. The young planetary nebula has a bright core and four spherical high-velocity outflows: lobes, columns, rays, and chakram. ground-based telescopes, the so-called "ant nebula" (Menzel 3, or Mz 3) resembles the head and thorax of a garden-variety ant. This dramatic Hubble Space Telescope image, showing 10 times more detail, reveals the "ant's" body as a pair of fiery lobes protruding from a dying, Sun-like star. Nebula Figure 11.8. During the later phases of stellar evolution, stars expel some of their mass, which returns to the interstellar medium to form new stars. This Hubble Space Telescope image shows a star losing mass. Known as Menzel 3, or the Ant Nebula, this beautiful region of expelled gas is about 3000 light-years away from the Sun.…Ant Nebula (Mz 3): Planetary Nebula in Norma
2023年6月21日 · The Ant Nebula shows our Sun’s fate in about 5-6 billion years. It is radially expanding with a velocity of about 50 km/s. The young planetary …
- Apparent magnitude: 13.8
- Declination: −51° 59′ 10.711893480″
- Constellation: Norma
- Right ascension: 16 h 17 m 13.3915382496 s
Ant Nebula - Science@NASA
2023年7月25日 · From ground-based telescopes, the so-called "ant nebula" (Menzel 3, or Mz 3) resembles the head and thorax of a garden-variety ant. This dramatic Hubble Space Telescope image, showing 10 times more detail, …
11.5 The Death of a Sun-like Star – Fanshawe College …
Ant Nebula Figure 11.8. During the later phases of stellar evolution, stars expel some of their mass, which returns to the interstellar medium to form new stars. This Hubble Space Telescope image shows a star losing mass. Known as …
Ant Nebula’s Stunning Secrets: Discover Awe-Inspiring Beauty
Named for its resemblance to the body of an ant, this bipolar planetary nebula offers a fascinating glimpse into the life cycle of stars and the complex processes that occur in the final stages of …
ESA - The Ant Nebula (Menzel 3, Mz 3) - European Space Agency
Seen from Earth, the Menzel 3 nebula resembles the head and body of a common garden ant, hence its more popular name, the Ant Nebula. However, this image from the NASA/ESA …
22.0 Thinking Ahead – Astronomy - University of Central Florida ...
During the later phases of stellar evolution, stars expel some of their mass, which returns to the interstellar medium to form new stars. This Hubble Space Telescope image shows a star …
Mz 3, the Ant Nebula – Astrodrudis
Among this diverse family of cosmic wonders, the planetary nebula Mz 3, also known as the Ant Nebula, stands out as a unique and enigmatic specimen. Located in the constellation Norma, approximately 8,000 light-years from …
Life Cycle of a Star: Stages, Facts, and Diagrams
2023年2月2日 · What is the theorized life cycle of a star? Ans: All stars follow a 7-step life cycle from their birth in a nebula to ending up as stellar remnants. It goes from a Protostar to the T-Tauri phase, then the Main Sequence, Red giant or …