  1. Copilot 答案

    Renewable Natural Gas - US EPA

    • Renewable natural gas* is a term used to describe biogasGas resulting from the decomposition of organic matter under anaerobic conditions. The principal constituents are methane and carbon dioxide.that has … 展开


    Use of RNG can provide benefits in terms of fuel security, revenue or energy cost savings, improved local air quality and greenhouse gas emission reductions. 展开

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

    RNG Technical Resources
    1. An Overview of Renewable Natural Gas from Biogas (pdf) (3.04 MB, 2024) – Detailed document that provides key information abou… 展开

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
    More Information on RNG

    The following EPA programs work cooperatively with industry stakeholders to reduce or avoid methane emissions by supporting biogas energy projects including those that produ… 展开

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency